Monday, September 29, 2008

The Destructive Power of Revenge: Bailout Plan Fails

Studies show that people will pay to punish others who have violated "social norms." That makes some sense, since it ensures that we all have an incentive stick to the rules. But what is more unusual is that many people will pay their own hard-earned money to punish others even if they are unaffected by the rule-breaking. They simply want revenge.

This revenge urge is even stronger in men, than women.

In fact, studies show that the neurochemical dopamine is released in the brain (reward system) of people who take revenge on others. They actually get satisfaction from punishing rule-breakers. This can be addictive, and it certainly feels pleasurable to them.

So to me it makes some sense (biologically, not economically speaking) that a majority of House memebers voted down the bailout plan. They seem willing to endure some economic pain for themselves and their constituents in order to have the pleasure of punishing "greedy Wall Street bankers" (in the parlance I've heard used by some, such as Senator Richard Shelby, on CNBC).

The problem is, the pain our economy and reputation is going to endure is likely to cost much more than $1 trillion (how many trillions in stock and bond market equity have already been lost?).

Trust and confidence in financial institutions is the grease that keeps the capitalist engine moving. Unfortunately many in Congress are saying, "we don't see anything wrong." Well, sadly, they will. The engines of credit have largely dried up, and the longer they remain dry, the longer it will take our economy to right itself again.

Banks have lost trust in each other, investors are losing trust in the markets to provide a comfortable long term return, and now we are all losing faith in the ability of government to solve major problems (some people never had that trust in government, and unfortunately they'll see that government is necessary to the smooth functioning of the economy if we don't get a bailout package soon).

I moonlighted in prisons as a psychiatrist several years ago, and I'll never forget the inmates I met who seemed "hard-wired" to be enforcers of rules. These guys would punish someone for a perceived infraction, such as disrespect (even non-verbal disrespect such as standing in the wrong place), with violence -- violence that usually landed them in "the hole" and added about 90 days to their sentence. Some of them couldn't seem to stop punishing other inmates for breaking prison "norms," and so I would see them for a psychiatric evaluation. Some told me, with self-confident righteousness, about the "high" they got from punishing rule-breakers.

This is the dark side of "righteousness"-type thinking, which often fuels revenge. And I fear some of it may have leaked out from behind bars and into Congress. I hope not, but I'm beginning to wonder.

That's my 2 cents.

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